
European Cybersecurity Community

The European Union is building its first European Cybersecurity Competence Community, through the initiative of the ECCC - European Cybersecurity Competence Center, of which Luxembourg holds the very first chair.

In Luxembourg, the NC3 - National Cybersecurity Competence Center in its capacity of National Coordination Centre (NCC), one of the 2 centres of expertise of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, has received the mandate to act as bridge between this European Community and the relevant national cybersecurity actors.

What is the purpose of joining this European community?

Being part of the community will come along with several advantages:

  • Locally, you will gain access to exclusive and tailored events, organised by the NC3;
  • At the European level, you will gain access to exclusive events organised by the ECCC that will combine different areas, competences or sectors in cybersecurity;
  • You will be able to play a role in the development of the ECCC by providing feedback to the NC3 as regards with the strategic direction of the ECCC;

The expected areas of focus for the community are the following:

  • Enhancing cybersecurity preparedness;
  • Developing cyber competencies;
  • Stimulating EU cybersecurity technology production;
  • European cybersecurity cooperation structures, approaches and actors and;
  • Human and societal perspective in cyber.

In order to meet those objectives, the community will be made of academia, industry players, researchers, governmental and non-governmental institutions, cybersecurity professionals and companies.

If you are interested in becoming part of this European Community, please register and fill out your application through clicking the button below

I want to join the community!

For further information related to the Community, please reach out to ncc[at]