Security Policy – Operational and Communication Aspects

Documentation of Procedures

All operations concerning the processing of information must be documented. This applies to planned processing (batches), system shutdowns and restarts, and data backup procedures.

In addition to the everyday operations to be carried out, these procedures must specify:

The procedures are updated by the IT manager and saved in specific, easily accessible locations. The employees concerned must know about these procedures and follow them.

The attached section is optional but important for organisations that use servers. Nevertheless, documenting at least the backup procedure still applies in all other cases.

Applying Security Measures To:

Directly Associated Organisational Measures:

Separation of Environments

It is preferable to separate devices that deal with software development activities or test activities from those on which products in relation to production are installed. This separation aims to limit the risk of modifications to actual data. The use of production data located in test environments (which tend to be less well protected) is not recommended. In particular, if critical data (Confidentiality), trade secrets or personal data is processed there.

Applying Security Measures To:

Directly Associated Organisational Measures:

Outsourcing of Resource Management

Concerning resources managed by external companies, it is important to first assess the organisation’s critical security points and indicate the specific management measures in the service agreement. Here, we talk about ‘outsourcing’ or ‘facilities management’.

Applying Security Measures To:

Protection Against Malware

An attack by a virus or other malicious software is one of the most likely risks for any computer user. They can infiltrate the ‘organisation’ through removable devices, such as, in particular, USB flash drives and e-mails.

The organisation’s computers and servers must be equipped with antivirus software. The IT manager is responsible for installing these tools on each device and ensuring they are always up to date. This concerns both the users’ workstations and the servers (see security measures for file servers and security measures for e-mail servers).

On the other hand, numerous measures must be respected by users to avoid compromising security. It is prohibited to:

Incoming e-mail verification tools deal not only with viruses, but can also eliminate potentially dangerous attachments (executables, scripts, macros).

Applying Security Measures To:

Behavioural Measures:

Directly Associated Organisational Measures:

Technical Measures:

Data Backups

It is essential for an organisation to back up their data and their specific, or specifically configured, software. A disaster (fire, flood) or, more commonly, a hard drive problem could easily destroy all information (SMEs: see Fire and Failure of IT or communications equipment and Hardware damaged during transport).

In the event of a large disaster, equipment that has been destroyed can usually be replaced; however, it is often impossible to reproduce lost data, which may lead to a company’s closure.

Backing up important or crucial information (classification) should be done regularly with respect to the level of importance of the organisation’s activities.

The backup cycle can take place at three levels, depending on the type of information. A daily backup on a device that is reused weekly (Monday’s backup erases the backup from Monday of the previous week, for example). A weekly backup with a cycle of four to five weeks. A monthly backup with an annual cycle. The weekly backup can be turned into a monthly backup once a month (the last day of the month). The last annual backup is archived ‘indefinitely’ in case of legal requirements.

The weekly and monthly backups must be stored in a specific location that guarantees the same security conditions as those used in the security perimeter, if possible at a remote location.

Unused devices must be erased or destroyed. This applies to all media whether digital, paper or otherwise (SMEs: see Disposal and Device recovery and Aggravated theft).

Data backups can also be useful in the event of human error (SMEs: see Human errors), to restart the IT system from a previously reliable position. A data recovery procedure is necessary in this case and, additionally, it will allow you to test the procedure. The procedures should be tested annually.

Applying Security Measures To:

Directly Associated Organisational Measures:

Technical Measures:

Device Security During Transport

When transporting or sending devices containing the organisation’s data, it is important to take the following measures into account, depending on the level of importance of the data (SMEs: see Hardware damaged during transport):

Applying Security Measures To:

Organisational Measures:

Technical Measures:


E-mails that are transmitted across the Internet can in no way be considered a secure means of communication. This is because the e-mail may be accidentally sent to a wrong recipient, or be edited or read by a third party. As a result, any operation for which the ‘organisation’ is responsible would be better confirmed by an additional means (telephone, letter, fax, etc.). This would prevent recipient error or changes to prices or quantities on orders, for example (Good E-mail Practises).

Avoid sending confidential information by e-mail. If applicable, use an approved encryption tool with your correspondents.

The organisation’s messaging system is intended for professional use. Moderate personal use may be tolerated. The user is held personally responsible in the case of the criminal use of tools. Please note that, in response to traceability restrictions, it is possible that part or all of the messages exchanged by members of the ‘organisation’ will be saved (SMEs: see Misuse of the organisation’s resources).

Applying Security Measures To:

Behavioural Measures:

Directly Associated Organisational Measures:

Technical Measures: